The first of two Regional Talent Showcases that will be held at Helium Comedy Club in Portland in 2015. Host (and SICC alumnus) Bri Pruett will welcome twenty talented comedians from the Portland comedy scene to do their best, hoping …
This show features Timmy Booth, Mona Concepcion, Joey Cruz, Nick Decktor, Samuel Edmunds, Aisha Farhoud, Brent Flyberg, Devin Foreal, Jamal Harrington, Albert Kirchner, Silas Lindenstein, Chris Mejia, Nic Newson, Spenser O'Neill, Wilfred Padua, Elicia Sanchez, Jeff Taylor, Claire Webber and Kevin Wendell.
Talented local stand-up comedians perform their best for consideration to be allowed to participate in the upcoming 36th Annual Seattle International Comedy Competition.
This show features JR Berard, Dwayne Paul Cullen, TL Davaney, Drew Ferrol, Aaron Fishbein, Meredith Flanders, Kelly Hannah, Evelyn Jensen, Christian Leonard, Joe Luzzi, Sam Miller, Parker Postyeni, Emily Richman, Andrew Rivers, Luke Severeid, Willie Simon, Rachel Walls and Alyssa Yeoman.
Talented local stand-up comedians perform their best for consideration to be allowed to participate in the upcoming 36th Annual Seattle International Comedy Competition.
This show features Meagan Albright, Abraham Behaliu, Anica Cihla, Maddie Downes, Brett Emerson, Matt Eriksen, Kiera Giordan, Jason Goad, Brian Heuser, Bo Johnson, G. Anthony Johnson, Nigel Larson, Seth Lazear, Eric Lundquist, Terrance Parsons, Sean Riccio, Chris Rodriguez and Mattie Sobotka.
The second Regional Talent Showcases held at Helium Comedy Club in Portland in 2015. Host (and SICC alumnus) Nariko Ott will welcome twenty talented comedians from the Portland comedy scene to do their best, hoping to make an impression that …
Talented local stand-up comedians perform their best for consideration to be allowed to participate in the upcoming 36th Annual Seattle International Comedy Competition.
This show features Dylan Avila, Jack Ballard, Anthony Calderon, Nolan Culver, Mary Lou Gamba, Madeleine Gauger, Will Gilman, Natalie Holt, Hans Kim, Aaron Kirby, Mike Masliotti, Chris Moran, Eden Nault, Val Nigro, Daniel O'Connell, Nick Sahoyah, Rick Taylor, Josh Teaford and Narin Vann.