Preliminary Round One

Sixteen comics compete for just five slots to advance to the Semifinals. The Top Five will face the Top Five from Preliminary Round Two.

Birungi Birungi
Birungi Birungi
Andrew Frank
Andrew Frank
Rachel Laurendeau
Rachel Laurendeau
Andrew Packer
Andrew Packer
Chu Bu
Chu Bu
Liz Glazer
Liz Glazer
Thomas Nichols
Thomas Nichols
Adam Pasi
Adam Pasi
Lee Cox
Lee Cox
Cheri Hardman
Cheri Hardman
Nancy Norton
Nancy Norton
Arijana Ramic
Arijana Ramic
Mike Devore
Mike Devore
Natalie Holt
Natalie Holt
Nikita Oster
Nikita Oster
Benji Rothman
Benji Rothman

Jonathan Cerda-Rowell dropped out and was replaced by Thomas Nichols.


Competition Rounds

Seattle International Comedy Competition
Seattle International Comedy Competition